Satellite movie shows Tropical Cyclone Blas fading

An animation of visible and infrared imagery from NOAA's GOES-West satellite from July 9 to July 11 shows Tropical Storm Blas weakening to a remnant followed by a strengthening Tropical Cyclone Celia.

NASA sees heavy rain in Arabian Sea tropical cyclone

Tropical Cyclone 02A in the Arabian Sea east of Oman has been weakening and has become a tropical depression. The Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM mission core satellite analyzed the rainfall in the system.

NASA analyzes short-lived Tropical Storm Danielle

Tropical Storm Danielle formed on June 20 and by June 21 the storm had dissipated over eastern Mexico. NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM mission core satellite analyzed ...

Tropical Depression 1E dissipates

Tropical Depression 1E or TD1E didn't get far from the time it was born to the time it weakened to a remnant low pressure area along the southwestern coast of Mexico. NOAA's GOES-West satellite captured an image of it remnant ...

NASA looks at rainfall in Texas and Oklahoma flooding

NASA's Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) calculated rainfall that occurred over a week and caused major flooding in Texas and Oklahoma, as well as soaking rains in South Carolina from Tropical Depression ...

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