Local conditions shape plant communities

The local environment plays a key role in determining what kinds of plants grow there, according to a new study that could change how threatened species are managed.

Fires fueled spread of grasslands on ancient Earth

Ancient wildfires played a crucial role in the formation and spread of grasslands like those that now cover large parts of the Earth, according to scientists at Penn State and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Tropical trees use unique method to resist drought

Tropical trees in the Amazon Rainforest may be more drought resistant than previously thought, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Riverside.

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Annabelle dying bursts

Tropical Cyclone Annabelle ran into adverse atmospheric and oceanic conditions and was fading quickly on Nov. 24. But the day before, NASA's RapidScat instrument saw some dying bursts of wind from the weakening Southern Indian ...

Satellite sees the short life of Tropical Depression 8C

Tropical Depression 8C formed southwest of Hawaii on October 3 and by October 4 it was a post-tropical cyclone. A day later NOAA's GOES-West satellite captured an image of the storm as it tracked in a westerly direction through ...

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