Building 3-D atomic structures atom by atom using lasers

A team of researchers at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France has developed a technique for arranging cold atoms into useful 3-D arrayed structures. In their paper published in the journal Nature, ...

How the waterwheel plant snaps

The midrib of the leaf (which has been transformed into a snap trap) bends slightly downwards in a flash, the trap halves fold in, and the water flea can no longer escape – as part of an interdisciplinary team Anna Westermeier, ...

20-year-old mystery of malaria vaccine target solved

The human piece of a malaria infection puzzle has been revealed for the first time, solving a long-standing mystery. A protein displayed on the surface of malaria parasites called "TRAP" is a high-priority vaccine target, ...

New trap better at snaring stable flies

A new stable fly trap, now on the market, catches more flies than the standard trap, according to a recent Agricultural Research Service (ARS) study.

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