Tracking freight flows

A new freight database developed with assistance from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory will help transportation officials improve highways, railroads and other trade routes across the country. With ...

Learning from ants how to build transportation networks

Using mathematical modeling and field data, researchers at the mathematics department at Uppsala University have found the basic rules that allow ants to build efficient and low cost transport networks without discarding ...

Perth commuters face cyber threat via free wi-fi

In light of the proposal to introduce free wi-fi throughout Perth's public transport network be aware that there are increased cyber security risks, warns ECU computer security expert Professor Andrew Woodward.

Physicists create model to predict traffic patterns

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame have designed a simple, yet highly accurate traffic prediction model for roadway transportation networks. They have recently published their work in the journal Nature Communications.

TOSA buses power up for less

EPFL scientists have developed a mathematical model to minimize the infrastructure and operational costs of the TOSA ultra-rapid rechargeable electric bus system.

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