US officials at odds over cellphone use on planes (Update)

It looks like the U.S. government is more conflicted about cellphones on planes than most American travelers. Even as one federal agency considers allowing the calls, another now wants to make sure that doesn't happen.

Enhancing the efficiency of complex computations

Planning a trip from Berlin to Hamburg, simulating air flows around a new passenger airplane, or friendships on Facebook – many computer applications model relationships between objects by graphs (networks) in the sense ...

Image: US holiday transportation web seen from orbit

Thanksgiving is a time for family, for feasting, and for gratitude in the United States. It is also a time when the nation's transportation network is clogged with travelers. According to the American Automobile Association, ...

All aboard the nanotrain network

Tiny self-assembling transport networks, powered by nano-scale motors and controlled by DNA, have been developed by scientists at Oxford University and Warwick University.

California adopts car-sharing service regulations

Web-based car-sharing companies will have to make sure drivers undergo training and criminal background checks and have commercial liability insurance under rules approved Thursday by California regulators.

China's hunger for soya more animal than vegetable

China is the biggest soya consumer in the world, but demand driven by the increasingly wealthy country's voracious appetite for meat and fish raised on the product, rather than tofu or soy sauce.

S. Korea tests 'electric road' for public buses

A South Korean city has begun testing an "electrified road" that allows electric public buses to recharge their batteries from buried cables as they travel.

Harnessing innovation for smart transport networks

Challenging times are ahead for Europe's transport network, with traffic expected to double by 2030. This increase is expected to have a knock-on effect on safety and the environment.

Technology for cars to talk to each other urged

(AP)—Federal accident investigators are recommending the government set performance standards for new safety technology that allows cars and trucks to talk to each other and then require the technology be installed in all ...

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