Star Trek style translators step closer to reality at gadget show

Once confined to the realms of science fiction, near real-time translation devices that whisper discreetly into your ear during a conversation are finally coming of age thanks to leaps in artificial intelligence and cloud ...

The astonishing efficiency of life

All life on earth performs computations – and all computations require energy. From single-celled amoeba to multicellular organisms like humans, one of the most basic biological computations common across life is translation: ...

RNA discoveries could improve stem cell research

A recently described variety of RNA closely associated with gene expression was found to be largely cell-type specific, raising the possibility this variety of RNA sequences may be able to be used as a marker in stem cell ...

Study identifies new mechanism of RNA degradation in plants

The totality of RNA molecules in an organism at any one time is the product of a delicate dance. Genes must be "turned on," or expressed, in order to turn DNA into RNA and then that RNA into proteins that accomplish an organism's ...

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