Probing quantum phenomena in tiny transistors

Nearly 1,000 times thinner than a human hair, nanowires can only be understood with quantum mechanics. Using quantum models, physicists from Michigan Technological University have figured out what drives the efficiency of ...

Quantum thermal transistor can control heat currents

(—Researchers have designed a quantum thermal transistor that can control heat currents, in analogy to the way in which an electronic transistor controls electric current. The thermal transistor could be used in ...

Light helps the transistor laser switch faster

Light and electrons interact in a complex dance within fiber optic devices. A new study by University of Illinois engineers found that in the transistor laser, a device for next-generation high-speed computing, the light ...

Physicists create artificial 'graphene'

An international group of physicists led by the University of Arkansas has created an artificial material with a structure comparable to graphene.

New sensor sends electronic signal when estrogen is detected

Estrogen is a tiny molecule, but it can have big effects on humans and other animals. Estrogen is one of the main hormones that regulates the female reproductive system - it can be monitored to track human fertility and is ...

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