Comet Hartley 2 leaves a bumpy trail

New findings from NEOWISE, the asteroid- and comet-hunting portion of NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission, show that comet Hartley 2 leaves a pebbly trail as it laps the sun, dotted with grains as big as golf ...

Inuit are on the right track

Inuit trails are more than merely means to get from A to B. In reality, they represent a complex social network spanning the Canadian Arctic and are a distinctive aspect of the Inuit cultural identity. And what is remarkable ...

Climbers to pay $13 fee on popular Mount Fuji trail

Hikers using the most popular route to climb Japan's Mount Fuji will be charged $13 each from July, with numbers capped to ease congestion and improve safety, a regional official said Tuesday.

Image: Rocky Mountain fire in Virginia from orbit

The Rocky Mountain portion of Shenandoah National Park in Virginia is experiencing an early fire season wildfire. The satellite image was taken by the Aqua satellite on April 20, 2016. The fire began on April 16, 2016 and ...

NASA image: Happy Camp Fire in California and 790 Fire in Oregon

The 790 Fire in Oregon began as a lightning strike on July 31, 2014. Over 3,000 acres have been affected by this fire which is 54% contained. In the next 12 to 48 hours there is a potential risk to Sky Lakes Wilderness and ...

Fire closes landmark Yosemite tourist trail

A raging wildfire in Yosemite National Park saw access closed Tuesday to the towering Half Dome peak, one of the most famous landmarks at the world-renowned tourist venue.

Overcoming tumor resistance to anti-cancer agent TRAIL

The TRAIL ligand is a promising anticancer agent that preferentially kills tumor cells without apparent damage to healthy cells. Many cancers exhibit resistance to TRAIL, however, thus limiting its therapeutic potential. ...

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