Social repercussions on places declared World Heritage Sites

A researcher from the Economic and Business Sciences Faculty of the University of Seville, together with a group of teachers from Malaysia, has published a study of the factors that influence the perception of tourism of ...

Norway fines tourist guide for scaring polar bear

Usually the humans are scared of the wild animals. But in the Norwegian far-north, an Arctic tourist guide has been fined 1,300 euros ($1,500) for scaring off a polar bear.

Protective mother bear cuts off Dracula's castle

While Dracula's legend usually fails to scare tourists away from the blood-sucking vampire's 15th century castle, a large, furry and protective mother bear has had more success.

Komodo dragon attacks tourist in Indonesia

A komodo dragon, one of the world's largest lizards, attacked a tourist in Indonesia who was trying to photograph the giant creatures feasting on a goat, police said Thursday.

Relationship between weather and tourist behaviour

A researcher team led by Prof. Bob McKercher at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management evaluated the impact of weather changes on tourists' behaviour and their level of satisfaction while visiting Hong Kong.

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