Growth of biofuel industry hurt by GMO regulations: study

Faster development of the promising field of cellulosic biofuels - the renewable energy produced from grasses and trees - is being significantly hampered by a "deep and thorny regulatory thicket" that makes almost impossible ...

Structures reveal basis of recurring urinary tract infections

While the best antibiotics can wipe out most of the bacteria that cause notoriously difficult urinary tract infections, a few "sleeper cells" often remain. These "persisters," as they are called, survive by going dormant, ...

Getting under the shell of the turtle genome

Scientists have decoded the genome of the western painted turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii) , one of the most abundant turtles on Earth, finding clues to their longevity and ability to survive without oxygen during long winters ...

Soybean genetic treasure trove found in Swedish village

The first screening by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists of the American ancestors of soybeans for tolerance to ozone and other stresses had an eye-opening result: The world superstars of stress resistance ...

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