Prosocial and tolerant parrots help others to obtain food

Parrots are considered extraordinarily clever animals. Alex, the famous Harvard-based African grey parrot, communicated with a vocabulary of more than 500 human words, could answer questions and classify objects spontaneously. ...

Breakthrough in high-yield drought-resilient chickpeas

A global study led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and involving scientists from The University of Western Australia has identified genes that can be used to develop drought ...

Muscle gene may provide new treatments for obesity and diabetes

( -- Skeletal muscle enables us to walk, run or play a musical instrument, but it also plays a crucial role in controlling disease. Rockefeller University scientists have now shown how a specific molecule in skeletal ...

Working toward drought-tolerant wheat

South Dakota State University scientists must develop varieties of wheat that can tolerate drought, according to molecular biologist Jai Rohila, assistant professor of biology and microbiology. That is the key to making agriculture ...

Cool species can take the heat

( -- Two scientists from Simon Fraser University and one from Deakin University (DU) in Australia have made a discovery that is overturning conventional wisdom about how land and marine animals react to heat.

Programming model for supercomputers of the future

The demand for even faster, more effective, and also energy-saving computer clusters is growing in every sector. The new asynchronous programming model GPI from Fraunhofer ITWM might become a key building block towards realizing ...

When fat cells change their color

In mammals, three types of adipose tissues exist. White adipocytes are mainly located in the abdominal and subcutaneous areas of the body and highly adapted to store excess energy. Conversely, beige and brown adipocytes are ...

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