Structure of human thyroglobulin identified

A team of researchers from the U.K., Slovenia and Germany has determined the structure of human thyroglobulin using cryo-electron microscopy. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes their study ...

Blocking iodide transport by inhibiting the sodium iodide symporter

(—Iodide entrapment in the thyroid gland is essential, and plays a key role in dysfunctions such as thyroid and breast cancers, thyroiditis, Graves–Basedow disease, and Hashimoto's disease. The accidents at Chernobyl ...

A new tool for molecular architects

A team of chemists at the University of Geneva have finally demonstrated the utility of the rare halogen bond which acts as a anions transporter.

What roundworms can teach us about human growth

Human beings and the roundworm C. elegans have more in common than you'd expect. Thanks to a common ancestor more than 700 million years ago humans and roundworms have a similar hormone to drive and regulate growth. By activating ...

New findings clarify thyroid's role in mammalian seasonal changes

Researchers now have a better understanding of the role that thyroid hormones, the tissues that produce them, and the biochemical pathways on which they act have in driving seasonal reproduction in some mammals, and how this ...