DC3: Chemistry of thunderstorms

(Phys.org) -- NASA researchers are about to fly off on a campaign that will take them into the heart of thunderstorm country.

NASA provides an infrared analysis of Tropical Storm Fengshen

Tropical Storm Fengshen continued to strengthen in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean as NASA's Terra satellite passed overhead. Infrared imagery from an instrument aboard Terra revealed very high, powerful storms with very cold ...

NASA finds Henriette fading

Infrared imagery from NASA's Terra satellite found just a few scattered areas of cold clouds in the Eastern Pacific Ocean's Tropical Depression Henriette on August 13.

NASA satellite sees rainfall in ebbing Edzani

NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite captured a clear picture of what's happening within Tropical Storm Edzani, including where the rainfall is happening and where the center of the storm has been breached. ...

Suomi NPP gets an infrared look at Typhoon Higos

Typhoon Higos was on a strengthening trend when NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite passed overhead and captured infrared data on the storm, showing powerful thunderstorms circling its center.

NASA gets infrared look at Tropical Depression 21W

NASA's Aqua satellite measured cloud top temperatures in newly formed Tropical Depression 21W in the South China Sea and found a large area of strong thunderstorms around the center of circulation.

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