Deposit insurance and depositor behavior: Evidence from Colombia

One of the feats that earned Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig the 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics (joint with Ben Bernanke) is a model of bank runs and related financial crises. In an article published in 1983, they noted ...

Ending prices with ".99" can backfire on sellers

Setting a price just below a round number ($39.99 instead of $40) may lead consumers into thinking a product is less expensive than it really is—but it can sometimes backfire on sellers, a new study shows.

How scientist's disputed views about pollution are shaping EPA

In early 2018, a deputy assistant administrator in the EPA, Clint Woods, reached out to a Massachusetts toxicologist best known for pushing a public health standard suggesting that low levels of toxic chemicals and radiation ...

GaN-based transistor blocking voltage exceeds 1kV

Research reported in Applied Physics Express (APEX) describes the development of 'vertically orientated' GaN-based transistors with blocking voltages exceeding 1kV. These findings are important for the application of nitride ...

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