Egyptian mummies virtually unwrapped in Australia

The hidden secrets of Egyptian mummies up to 3,000 years old have been virtually unwrapped and reconstructed for the first time using cutting-edge scanning technology in a joint British-Australian exhibition.

Three-photon microscopy improves biological imaging

(—Scientists may be a step closer to cracking one of the world's most compelling mysteries: the impossible complexity of the brain and its billions of neurons. Cornell researchers have demonstrated a new way of ...

Rare tidal movements expose Kimberley dinosaur tracks

While audiences in Perth attend Walking with Dinosaurs this weekend palaeontologists working near Broome will be documenting the extinct vertebrates' extensive fossilised footsteps using laser scanning technology.

Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism

( -- Scientists from the University of Sydney are celebrating the 100th anniversary of superconductivity with a discovery of their own.

Nanotechnology delivers hepatitis B vaccine

Brazilian and European researchers have demonstrated exactly how a nanotechnology-based compound delivers an oral vaccine against hepatitis B to the immune system. When particles containing silica and an antigen combine, ...

Fujitsu unveils 'world's first' glasses-free 3D PC

Japanese IT services giant Fujitsu on Wednesday unveiled what it calls the world's first desktop computer with a display that enables users to see 3D images without needing special glasses.

Japan firm showcases Bat-Signal of the future

A free-floating image created by firing lasers into thin air was unveiled in Japan on Monday, offering the possibility one day of projecting messages into a cloudless sky, as seen in Batman.

Five years of stereo imaging for NASA's TWINS

( —Surrounding Earth is a dynamic region called the magnetosphere. The region is governed by magnetic and electric forces, incoming energy and material from the sun, and a vast zoo of waves and processes unlike ...

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