Related topics: nanometers · light

Atotech and CWRU to shrink wiring for smaller semiconductors

The world's lead manufacturer of chemicals for the metal finishing and electroplating industry has just signed a major research contract with Case Western Reserve University, aimed at developing novel chemistries and processes ...

Nano-engineering electrodes to give tiny generators a boost

Could our waste be part of the answer to humanity's energy problems? Some researchers think so, thanks to bacteria that chow down on everything from sewage to heavy metals and give off electricity as one of their own waste ...

Sri Lanka says oil spill 'contained'

An oil slick from a sunken cargo vessel has been contained and is no longer a threat to beach resorts popular with foreign tourists, Sri Lankan authorities declared on Sunday.

Make or break for cellular tissues

In a study about to be published in the European Physical Journal E, French physicists from the Curie Institute in Paris have demonstrated that the behaviour of a thin layer of cells in contact with an unfavourable substrate ...

Under the microscope #7

In this video Dr Ingrid Graz shows us a thin layer of gold on top of rubber. Cracks in the gold allow it to stretch and we can use this for stretchable electronics.

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