Mathematical model explains marital breakups

( -- Most people know love takes work, and effort is needed to sustain a happy relationship over the long term, but now a mathematician in Spain has for the first time explained it mathematically by developing ...

Trisulfur anion helps explain gold deposits on Earth

(—People have been excavating gold for thousands of years as a precious rare metal. Gold is in relatively low abundance in the Earth's crust likely coming from the metallic core and from meteorites. For reasons ...

Why sea-faring mammals need to be larger than land lubbers

( —Ever notice you get cold faster when you're wet? That's why whales are so much bigger than elephants, according to SFI External Professor Aaron Clauset in a recent paper published in the journal PLoS One that ...

Science adopts a new definition of seawater

The world's peak ocean science body has adopted a new definition of seawater developed by Australian, German and US scientists to make climate projections more accurate.

Accelerating electrocatalyst discovery

Researchers are paving the way to total reliance on renewable energy as they study both large- and small-scale ways to replace fossil fuels. One promising avenue is converting simple chemicals into valuable ones using renewable ...