How a transparent conductor responds to strain

Liquid crystal displays, touchscreens, and many solar cells rely on thin-film crystalline materials that are both electrically conductive and optically transparent. But the material most widely used in these applications, ...

Fungi could be the key to sustainable fireproofing

Mycelium, an incredible network of fungal strands that can thrive on organic waste and in darkness, could be a basis for sustainable fireproofing. RMIT researchers are chemically manipulating its composition to harness its ...

Study sheds light on carbon-based Janus films

Unique physical/chemical properties and synergetic multi-functions have given Janus films great potential in sensing, actuation, advanced separation, energy conversion and storage, etc. Combining the unique advantages of ...

Creating high-quality, thick graphite films

High-quality graphite has excellent mechanical strength, thermal stability, high flexibility and very high in-plane thermal and electric conductivities, and therefore it is one of most important advanced materials used in ...

New material proposed for perovskite solar cells

A new type of material for solar cells was proposed by specialists of the Ural Federal University (UrFU) and the Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences together with their colleagues. ...

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