Polymer power potential

The mantra 'reduce, reuse, recycle' is increasingly pertinent. Every year, vast amounts of energy that could be captured and reused are lost through waste heat. Now, A*STAR scientists have demonstrated, through theoretical ...

Building a sustainable future: Urgent action needed

We need to act urgently to increase the energy efficiency of our buildings as the world's emerging middle classes put increasing demands on our planet's energy resources. These are the findings of a new report, published ...

Green energy fixes for drafty Downton Abbeys

Bright and early on a frigid winter morning, three-time U of T alumnus Russell Richman pulls his bike up to 31 Sussex Avenue on the University of Toronto's downtown campus.

A new compression conversion approach yields efficient engine

Professor Naitoh of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the Waseda University, Japan, has discovered a new compressive combustion principle that can yield engines with the ultimate level of efficiency. With a thermal ...

Sandia Labs harnessing the sun's energy with tiny particles

Engineers at Sandia National Laboratories, along with partner institutions Georgia Tech, Bucknell University, King Saud University and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are using a falling particle receiver to more efficiently ...

Tree seeds offer potential for sustainable biofuels

Tree seeds, rather than biomass or fuel crop plants, could represent an abundant source of renewable energy, according to research published in the International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management. The study ...

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