Links between science, technology and social issues

Science and technology is the vital driving force for economic and social development. However, the fundamental links between science, technology, and society are unclear because of their complexity and hidden relationships.

Text 911: Calling for help without making a call

The head of the organization that oversees Vermont's 911 emergency telephone system says the state is the first in the country where customers of the four major wireless carriers can send text messages to 911.

Data mining uncovers 19th century Britain's fat habit

A collaboration between historians, text mining, and information visualisation researchers has thrown up new insight into the hunger for sugar, coffee and rubber in the 19th century, as well as how fat became a worldwide ...

US secretly created 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest

In July 2010, Joe McSpedon, a U.S. government official, flew to Barcelona to put the final touches on a secret plan to build a social media project aimed at undermining Cuba's communist government.

Alternative input methods for smart phones

Alternative input methods for smart phones, such as Swype and SwiftKey, offer substantial benefits to users and are comparable with common typing speeds found on computer keyboards, according to a report published by researchers ...

Trading archives chart how Britain's taste for tea grew

Computer experts at the University of St Andrews have joined forces with international historians to shed light on one of the 19th century's great social transformations... How Britain gave up coffee to become a nation of ...

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