How does calling, texting and emailing affect teens socially?

Near-constant smartphone use is a hallmark of today's teenagers. And while the phenomenon has given rise to new injuries – "text neck" is now a growing problem – how is all that calling, texting and emailing affecting ...

Could "narbs" help you tell your social media story?

Ananda Mitra of the Department of Communication, at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina and colleague Sanjay Mamani point out that there are increasing amounts of unstructured data permeating the internet ...

Why aren't campus emergency alerts taken more seriously?

Well-publicized tragedies on college campuses across the United States have prompted university officials to implement alert systems that broadcast real-time warnings via text message and e-mail to students, faculty, and ...

Team develops software for automatic summarization of long texts

While long-form writing, epic cinematic tales and hefty tomes have had something of a renaissance recently, the continued popularity of the so-called microblogging platform Twitter and other such tools highlights the fact ...

Time to watch out for SMS worms on Android devices

Google's Android now dominates 80% of the smart phone market. Of the major phone operating systems, Android is the most vulnerable to security breaches and yet perceptions haven't caught up with reality. People simply aren't ...

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