Inspecting matter using terahertz light

In materials research, chemistry, biology, and medicine, chemical bonds, and especially their dynamic behavior, determine the properties of a system. These can be examined very closely using terahertz radiation and short ...

Spin currents switch at terahertz frequencies

The technology of spintronics is based on the intrinsic spin of electrons. In the medium term, it is set to replace electronics as the basis for technical devices. DESY scientist Lars Bocklage has discovered a new way of ...

Designing sensors to detect foreign bodies in food

Researchers at the NUP/UPNA-Public University of Navarre and the Navarre-based company Anteral S.L. have designed a novel system of sensors to improve quality control in the food sector and based on terahertz technology. ...

Towards mastering terahertz waves?

The terahertz waves span frequency ranges between the infrared spectrum (used, for example, for night vision) and gigahertz waves (which find their application, among other, in Wi-Fi connections). Terahertz waves allow for ...

New record achieved in terahertz pulse generation

A group of scientists from TU Wien and ETH Zurich have succeeded in their attempts to generate ultrashort terahertz light pulses. With lengths of just a few picoseconds, these pulses are ideally suited to spectroscopic applications ...

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