Metamaterials bend waves of all kinds

As the exciting new field of metamaterials advances, Duke has become one of the world's leading centers of this research. Founded in 2009, Duke's Center for Metamaterials and Integrated Plasmonics (CMIP) has grown to encompass ...

Researchers take terahertz data links around the bend

An off-the-wall new study by Brown University researchers shows that terahertz frequency data links can bounce around a room without dropping too much data. The results are good news for the feasibility of future terahertz ...

The future of wireless communications is terahertz

Electrical and optical engineers in Australia have designed a novel platform that could tailor telecommunication and optical transmissions. Collaborating scientists from the University of New South Wales in Sydney and Canberra, ...

Imaging technique unlocks the secrets of 17th century artists

The secrets of 17th century artists can now be revealed, thanks to 21st century signal processing. Using modern high-speed scanners and the advanced signal processing techniques, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology ...

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