Addressing food insecurity in the digital age

In the search for food —whether through foraging, hunting or agriculture —we are constantly at war with nature. In addition, food is distributed unequally: over 800 million people experience hunger while two billion ...

Harnessing photonics for at-home disease detection

In the not-too-distant future, people may have a simple device that monitors and reports health indicators, identifies even trace amounts of undesirable biomarkers in the blood or saliva and serves as an early warning system ...

Responsible innovation key to smart farming

Responsible innovation that considers the wider impacts on society is key to smart farming, according to academics at the University of East Anglia (UEA).

Report: Seven countries benefit most from technology innovation

The United States, Singapore, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Israel are getting the biggest bang for their buck in economic and digital innovation, according to a survey released Wednesday by the organizers ...

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