An Internet of Things reality check

Connecting different kinds of devices, not just computers and communications devices, to the Internet could lead to new ways of working with a wide range of machinery, sensors, domestic and other appliances. Writing in the ...

Scientists produce a novel form of artificial graphene

A new breed of ultra thin super-material has the potential to cause a technological revolution. "Artificial graphene" should lead to faster, smaller and lighter electronic and optical devices of all kinds, including higher ...

Beer brewing comes clean

Behind a simple glass of cold beer lies a quiet industrial revolution promising to take the brewing industry by storm. Although the world's breweries have been recovering CO2 from the brewing process for other industrial ...

Indians remember telegram heyday as service stops

Sixty-six years ago, Santosh Sharma saw her mother sell gold bangles to feed and clothe her family of six and then dispatch telegrams to her brothers urging them to leave newly created Pakistan and gather in New Delhi.

Oil drilling technology leaps, clean energy lags

Technology created an energy revolution over the past decade—just not the one we expected. By now, cars were supposed to be running on fuel made from plant waste or algae—or powered by hydrogen or cheap batteries that ...

3-D printing gives businesses a low-cost option for odd jobs

What does a business do if the vintage aircraft part a customer needs hasn't been made in decades? For a solution, Airflow Systems of Capistrano Beach, Calif., turned to Rapid Tech at University of California-Irvine. Through ...

Analyst: Apple could pay for Brazil iPhone brand

Apple Inc. likely will have to pay a Brazilian company for the right to use the iPhone brand in Latin America's biggest country, a Brazilian telecommunications analyst said Thursday.

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