X-ray scattering shines light on protein folding

KAIST researchers have used an X-ray method to track how proteins fold, which could improve computer simulations of this process, with implications for understanding diseases and improving drug discovery. Their findings were ...

Real-time monitoring of proteins in the nuclear pore complex

In human cells, the nucleus is enclosed by a structure called the nuclear pore complex (NPC). It acts as a 'gatekeeper' controlling the transport of molecules between the nucleus and the surrounding cytoplasm (the protein-containing ...

Study gains new insight into bacterial DNA packing

When bacteria are put in different environments, such as one that is more acidic or anaerobic, their genes start to adapt remarkably quickly. They're able to do so because the proteins making up their chromosome can pack ...

Studying cells in reduced dimensions

Single-cell RNA sequencing is a powerful tool for identifying transcriptomic variations and developmental trajectories in cell types that determine the course of diseases like cancer, with the goal of eventually improving ...

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