Functional food that tastes good

Since 2004, Emulsar has been making a place for itself on the emulsion food market with a technology that is both tasty and reduces the need for additives. Thanks to EU support under Horizon 2020, the company is now hoping ...

Red pandas reveal an unexpected (artificial) sweet tooth

Researchers from the Monell Center report that the red panda is the first non-primate mammal to display a liking for the artificial sweetener aspartame. This unexpected affinity for an artificial sweetener may reflect structural ...

The origin of off-taste in onions

Chopping onions is usually associated with watery and stinging eyes. But after the onions are diced and the tears are dried, the vegetable pieces can sometimes develop an unpleasant bitter taste. Now, one group reports in ...

Scientists discover protein receptor for carbonation taste

( -- In 1767, chemist Joseph Priestley stood in his laboratory one day with an idea to help English mariners stay healthy on long ocean voyages. He infused water with carbon dioxide to create an effervescent ...

Bitter or sweet? How taste cells decide what they want to be

Ever burn your tongue so badly that you were unable to taste your food for a few days? Luckily, a unique feature of taste cells is that they continually regenerate every 10 to 14 days. Now, a new study from the Monell Center ...

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