What type of grass is best for beef cattle?

On average, Americans eat more than 50 pounds of beef each year (according to USDA estimates). But what do beef cattle eat? In the eastern United States, beef cattle often eat tall fescue, a "cool-season" grass. As the name ...

Grow, mow, mulch: Finding lawn's value

Cranking up the lawn mower on a Saturday afternoon may be a child's most dreaded chore. But little does he or she know that it also affects how much carbon and nitrogen are present in the soil below the grass.

Invasive forage grass leads to grassland bird decline

The prairies of North America once covered vast stretches of land, with towering grasses creating ideal nesting and forage habitat for grassland birds. But the deep, rich soil and treeless expanse also represented the ideal ...

Grassroots approach to conservation developed

A new strategy to manage invasive species and achieve broader conservation goals is being tested in the Grand River Grasslands, an area within the North American tallgrass prairie ecoregion. A University of Illinois researcher ...

A new forage comes to the Midwest, courtesy of nature

A forgotten forage grass imported from Europe in the 1800s could soon be helping to boost cattle and dairy production. The grass, which has adapted well to parts of the Upper Midwest, has been released by Agricultural Research ...

Aesthetic appeal of dormant Zoysiagrass enhanced with colorants

Homeowners who live in the transition zone, where both cool- and warm-season grasses are options for use in lawns, are looking for low-maintenance turf grasses that also provide year-round color. A new study presents options ...