A numerical protocol to estimate local entropy production

In physics, equilibrium is a state in which a system's motion and internal energy do not change over time. Videos of systems in equilibrium would look exactly the same if they were watched in their normal chronological progression ...

Can white dwarfs help solve the cosmological lithium problem?

For the first time, hard-to-find lithium has been identified and measured in the atmosphere of burned out stars called white dwarfs, according to a study led by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill published online ...

More than 20-year-old assumption about beer aroma disproved

Hops-derived constituents not only increase shelf-life and bitterness of beer, but can also significantly influence aroma. An important hop odorant is linalool, which has a floral and citrus-like scent.

Flexible polymer opals

A synthetic material which mimics the brightest and most vivid colours in nature, and changes colour when twisted or stretched, has been developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge, and could have important ...

Argon cleaning helps trapped ions chill out

(PhysOrg.com) -- The reliability of trapped-ion quantum information systems – a promising candidate technology for an eventual quantum computer – can be dramatically improved by giving the trap electrodes a good ...

Robot car to cut jams & prangs

Robotic car technology being developed at Oxford University that interprets its surroundings and makes decisions about where to go could eliminate the agony and cost of traffic jams.

Adding precision to plastics testing

Plastics play an important role in many consumer items. But testing precisely how much load these plastic parts can bear has up to now been a very complicated task. Now, a new instrument achieves simpler and more accurate ...

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