Related topics: coral reefs

A new cave-dwelling reef coral discovered in the Indo-Pacific

Coral specialist Dr. Bert W. Hoeksema of Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, The Netherlands, recently published the description of a new coral species that lives on the ceilings of caves in Indo-Pacific coral reefs. ...

Scientists link nutrient pollution to coral bleaching

Too many nutrients can put corals at risk, a new study shows. Excessive nitrogen in the water affects their ability to cope with rising water temperatures and other environmental pressures, making them vulnerable to harmful ...

Probing Question: Is it possible to save coral reefs?

It's one thing for consumers to know intellectually that our gas-guzzling, polluting ways are taking their toll on the planet. It's another thing to connect all the dots in terms of actions and consequences. Yet, even as ...

Viruses linked to algae that control coral health

Scientists have discovered two viruses that appear to infect the single-celled microalgae that reside in corals and are important for coral growth and health, and they say the viruses could play a role in the serious decline ...

Corals can sense what's coming

Australian scientists have thrown new light on the mechanism behind the mass death of corals worldwide as the Earth's climate warms.

Bleaching and resilience: can reefs survive?

Red anthia fish and rainbow-coloured wrasse dart among the glittering reefs of Indonesia's Wakatobi archipelago, as eagle rays and barracudas cruise past in the blue depths.

World's coral reefs could be gone by 2050: study

The world's coral reefs could be wiped out by 2050 unless urgent action is taken to stop threats posed to the "rainforests of the sea" by everything from overfishing to climate change, a report warned.

Corals and humans have much in common, researchers find

( -- An international team of Australian and Israeli coral geneticists, including scientists from University of Queensland, has found that corals, among the simplest of Earth's creatures, have some curiously human-like ...

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