Related topics: coral reefs

Nemo can't go home

Round the planet the loveable clownfish Nemo may be losing his home, a new scientific study has revealed.

Insights into deadly coral bleaching could help preserve reefs

Coral reefs are stressed the world over and could be in mortal danger because of climate change. But why do some corals die and others not, even when exposed to the same environmental conditions? An interdisciplinary research ...

Fluorescent light revealed as gauge of coral health

( —Coral reefs not only provide the world with rich, productive ecosystems and photogenic undersea settings, they also contribute an economic boost valued at hundreds of billions of dollars. But their decline in ...

'Blood test' for crook corals

(—Australian researchers are harnessing a world-first scientific discovery to develop a stress-test for coral, to measure how coral reefs are being impacted by pressures from climate change and human activity.

How do corals survive in the hottest reefs on the planet?

Coral reefs are predicted to decline under the pressure of global warming. However, a number of coral species can survive at seawater temperatures even higher than predicted for the tropics during the next century. How they ...

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