New processes for cost-efficient solar cell production

Many people answer with a resounding "yes!" when asked if they want environmentally-friendly solar cell-based power – though it should be inexpensive. For this reason, a veritable price war is raging among the makers of ...

New sensor detects bombs on sea floor

The CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) has developed a sensor to detect undetonated explosives on the sea floor. It is based on technology used to find mineral deposits underground.

Space scientists set for final spacecraft flyby of Mercury

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft, which is toting an $8.7 million University of Colorado at Boulder instrument, will make its third and final flyby of Mercury on Sept. 29 -- a clever gravity-assist maneuver that will steer it ...

New technique grows tiny 'hairy' materials at the microscale

( —Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory attacked a tangled problem by developing a new technique to grow tiny "hairy" materials that assemble themselves at the microscale.

Plasma electrons can be used to produce metallic films

Computers, mobile phones and all other electronic devices contain thousands of transistors linked together by thin films of metal. Scientists at Linköping University, Sweden, have developed a method that can use the electrons ...

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