Does the Milky Way's supermassive black hole have a companion?

At the heart of our galaxy, there is a monster black hole. Known as Sagittarius A*, it has a mass of 4.2 million suns, and it's only about 27,000 light-years from Earth. Sag A* is the closest supermassive black hole, and ...

VERA unveils surroundings of rapidly growing black holes

An international team of astronomers used the state-of-the-art capability of VERA, a Japanese network of radio telescopes operated by NAOJ, to uncover valuable clues about how rapidly growing "young" supermassive black holes ...

Quasar disks could host black hole collision events

New research, in the wake of the gravitational wave discoveries, sheds light on the environments that could lead to black hole merger events. The work is presented this week at the 2023 National Astronomy Meeting by Ph.D. ...

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