JAXA, NASA XRISM Mission ready for liftoff

A powerful satellite called XRISM (X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission) is set to provide astronomers with a revolutionary look at the X-ray sky.

A giant black hole destroys a massive star

Astronomers have made a thorough forensic study of a star that was torn apart when it ventured too close to a giant black hole and then had its insides tossed out into space.

Does the Milky Way's supermassive black hole have a companion?

At the heart of our galaxy, there is a monster black hole. Known as Sagittarius A*, it has a mass of 4.2 million suns, and it's only about 27,000 light-years from Earth. Sag A* is the closest supermassive black hole, and ...

VERA unveils surroundings of rapidly growing black holes

An international team of astronomers used the state-of-the-art capability of VERA, a Japanese network of radio telescopes operated by NAOJ, to uncover valuable clues about how rapidly growing "young" supermassive black holes ...

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