Praise for Australian 'social supermarket' model

A new model of "social supermarket" providing affordable food and social supports for people experiencing financial stress in South Australia should be expanded, experts say.

Fast grocery deliveries are likely to get more expensive

COVID rapidly accelerated the overall trend towards internet ordering of all retail sales with UK online purchases approaching 30% in 2021. With a strong trend towards home delivery this has also created an opportunity for ...

New research finds supermarket business model is on knife edge

In the run-up to Christmas, supermarkets and their supply chains will be top-of-mind for many consumers. A new report from the Food Research Collaboration, based on analysis by Professor Lisa Jack from the University of ...

Little damage reported from strong quake in Venezuela

A powerful earthquake shook Venezuela's northeastern coast and parts of the Caribbean but likely caused little damage besides knocking out power in some places and toppling supermarket shelves because of its depth, experts ...

Why plastic bag bans triggered such a huge reaction

Woolworths' and Coles' bans on plastic bags have been applauded by environmental groups, but were reportedly met with abuse and assault and claims of profiteering. Even comedians saw value in the theatre of the bag ban.

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