End of unwanted items in the bagging area

Queuing for the checkout and struggling with snappy self-scanners could be over with a superfast, super safe ultra-connected broadband set to revolutionise supermarket shopping.

Finland has the world's most energy-saving supermarket

Under VTT's leadership, Finland has the world's most energy-efficient supermarket, which consumes only 40% of the energy of a normal grocery store. A new solution is saving the retailer around EUR 180,000 in energy costs. ...

Norway keeps whaling quota unchanged for 2014

Norway maintained on Tuesday its quota of previous years to hunt up to 1,286 whales in its waters in 2014, despite whalers repeatedly catching less than the limit.

Lighting the way to the future

The highly inefficient incandescent light bulb is now a thing of the past, banned from European supermarket shelves in favour of more efficient lighting. The ban is part of the EU's strategy to reduce overall energy consumption ...

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