Study shows nanoclusters of insulin can control insulin activity

A study published in Nature Nanotechnology shows how nanoclusters of insulin can control insulin activity. The results can lead to new types of insulin drugs, senior author Ana Teixeira at the Department of Medical Biochemistry ...

Team achieves Ångström-resolution fluorescence microscopy

A breakthrough in fluorescence microscopy has been achieved by the research group of Ralf Jungmann at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. The team developed Resolution ...

How blocking cell wall formation stops bacterial cell division

Researchers still do not understand exactly how antibiotics kill bacteria. However, this understanding is necessary to develop new antibiotics. And that is precisely what is urgently needed, because bacteria are currently ...

MoBIE enables modern microscopy with massive data sets

High-resolution microscopy techniques, for example electron microscopy or super-resolution microscopy, produce huge amounts of data. The visualization, analysis and dissemination of such large imaging data sets poses significant ...

A new approach for high-throughput quantitative phase microscopy

Cell organelles are involved in a variety of cellular life activities. Their dysfunction is closely related to the development and metastasis of cancer. Exploration of subcellular structures and their abnormal states facilitates ...

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