Fluorine catch-and-attach process could boost drug efficiency

When it comes to chemical reactions, fluorine has a reputation as a 'magic bullet atom' for its ability to increase a drug's absorption and prolong its lifetime. However, traditional methods of adding it to compounds entail ...

New abiotic pathway for the formation of oxygen

Oxygen plays a crucial role for all living organisms on Earth. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have now found evidence that double ionized sulfur dioxide contribute to the formation of oxygen molecules. This could, ...

New analysis shows how sulfur clouds can form in Venus' atmosphere

Scientists using sophisticated computational chemistry techniques have identified a new pathway for how sulfur particles can form in the atmosphere of Venus. These results may help to understand the long sought-after identity ...

How metals work together to weaken hardy nitrogen-nitrogen bonds

Nitrogen, an element that is essential for all living cells, makes up about 78 percent of Earth's atmosphere. However, most organisms cannot make use of this nitrogen until it is converted into ammonia. Until humans invented ...

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