Related topics: protein · amino acids

Wrangling an octopus-like viral replication machine

Endemic in Western African countries, Lassa virus is transmitted to humans through food or household items that are contaminated with the urine or feces of Mastomys rats. Even though many people who become infected with Lassa ...

Artificial intelligence successfully predicts protein interactions

UT Southwestern and University of Washington researchers led an international team that used artificial intelligence (AI) and evolutionary analysis to produce 3D models of eukaryotic protein interactions. The study, published ...

Researchers invent world's smallest biomechanical linkage

Researchers at Princeton University have built the world's smallest mechanically interlocked biological structure, a deceptively simple two-ring chain made from tiny strands of amino acids called peptides.

High resolution image of Arabidopsis photosynthesis machine

For the first time, Umeå researchers have, with the help of cryogenic electron microscopy, succeeded in producing a high-resolution image of photosystem II—the central complex of photosynthesis—of the model plant Arabidopsis. ...

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