The role of TOR signaling in enhancing graft success and crop vigor

A research team has delved into the Target of Rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway in plant grafting, emphasizing its role in regulating seedling vigor, graft junction healing, and shoot-to-root communications. Exploring TOR's ...

How phytochemical diversity affects plant adaptation to stress

Phytochemical diversity plays a critical role in determining plant adaptation and fitness, as well as ecosystem functions and services. However, phytochemicals and their ecological adaptations have long been ignored. Fine ...

Researchers map structure of mitochondria at different life stages

Mitochondria, organelles with an inner and outer membrane, are responsible for creating the energy that cells use to survive, and their morphology is key to accomplishing this task. The inner mitochondrial membrane contains ...

Heat stress from ocean warming harms octopus vision

While climate change has led to an increase in the abundance of octopuses, heat stress from projected ocean warming could impair their vision and impact the survivability of the species.

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