Coin toss influences outcome of penalty shootouts

In the knockout phase of the European Championship, some matches will probably be decided in a penalty shoot-out. There has been much discussion about whether the sequence in which the teams take their penalties has an influence ...

A look back at some major CEO flameouts

Ron Johnson's short-lived tenure as J.C. Penney's CEO will go down as one of the biggest flameouts in corporate America. The former Apple executive was hailed as a big thinker when he was hired by the ailing department store ...

For a smooth-running economy, rule of law matters

Countries in which courts more easily enforce contracts see less economic volatility overall than nations that don't adhere as well to the rule of law. That's the finding from a study by a finance researcher at The University ...

Program teaches US Air Force personnel the fundamentals of AI

A new academic program developed at MIT aims to teach U.S. Air and Space Forces personnel to understand and utilize artificial intelligence technologies. In a recent study which the program researchers recently shared at ...

Business intelligence acts as a precursor to strategy

Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics play a key role in strategy work. However, business intelligence is not just a data mass that supplements strategy or a self-evident prop, but, together with the predictions generated ...

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