Storm Fiona slams into east Canada, major power outages

Powerful storm Fiona knocked out electricity to more than 500,000 homes Saturday as it lashed east Canada with strong winds and heavy rains in conditions that police said were "like nothing we've ever seen."

Old maps and dead clams help solve coastal boulder mystery

Perched atop the sheer coastal cliffs of Ireland's Aran Islands, ridges of giant boulders have puzzled geologists for years. What forces could have torn these rocks from the cliff edges high above sea level and deposited ...

Cassini watches storm choke on its own tail

(—Call it a Saturnian version of the Ouroboros, the mythical serpent that bites its own tail. In a new paper that provides the most detail yet about the life and death of a monstrous thunder-and-lightning storm ...

Australia's Byron Bay beach shrinks as sand disappears

Australia's Byron Bay usually conjures images of bathers lounging on sunkissed shores, or blissed-out longboarders cruising along cyan-blue waves—but coastal erosion and lashing storms have reduced its seashore to a debris-strewn ...

Mumbai, Miami on list for big weather disasters

(AP) -- Global warming is leading to such severe storms, droughts and heat waves that nations should prepare for an unprecedented onslaught of deadly and costly weather disasters, an international panel of climate scientists ...

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