Linking African winds to Atlantic storms

High above the northern tropical countries of Africa, in warmer months, waves of low pressure can form in the atmosphere and blow westward toward the Atlantic. When these African easterly waves reach the ocean, tropical cyclones—including ...

Cassini and Amateurs Chase Storm on Saturn

( -- With the help of amateur astronomers, the composite infrared spectrometer instrument aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft has taken its first look at a massive blizzard in Saturn's atmosphere. The instrument ...

Extraordinary boulder transport by storm waves

It's not just tsunamis that can change the landscape: storms shifted giant boulders four times the size of a house on the coast of Ireland in the winter of 2013-14, leading researchers to rethink the maximum energy storm ...

Mayor to discuss prepping NYC for warming world

(AP)—The projections paint an unsettling picture of New York's future: a city where by the 2050s, 800,000 people could be living in a flood zone that would cover a quarter of the land, with temperatures steadily rising.

Unique hybrid reefs deployed off Miami Beach

The first piece of a series of concrete structures was lowered into the water off the coast of Miami Beach on Wednesday morning, a massive crane on the deck of a floating barge hoisting the unit into the air and sinking it ...

Cassini Sees Lightening on Saturn

( -- NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured images of lightning on Saturn. The images have allowed scientists to create the first movie showing lightning flashing on another planet.

Coastal wetlands are nature's flood defences

Coastal wetlands—such as salt marshes—provide even more flood protection than previously thought, reducing the risk to lives and homes in estuaries, a new study has revealed.

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