Japan braces for 'very dangerous' Typhoon Nanmadol

Japan's weather agency warned Saturday of "unprecedented" risks from a "very dangerous" typhoon heading towards the southern Kyushu island, urging residents to take shelter ahead of the storm.

Tropical Cyclone 01B named Roanu and is strengthening

Tropical Cyclone 01B became more organized and was named Roanu early on Thursday, May 19, 2016. This makes it the first cyclone of the monsoon season. Before this storm was named it had already caused massive landslides and ...

The radiation belt storm probes

(Phys.org)—Since the dawn of the Space Age, mission planners have tried to follow one simple but important rule: Stay out of the van Allen Belts. The two doughnut-shaped regions around Earth are filled with "killer electrons," ...

India shuts schools as temperatures soar

Indian authorities in the capital have ordered schools shut early for the summer holiday, after temperatures hit 47.4 degrees Celsius (117 degrees Fahrenheit) with Delhi gripped by a "severe heat wave".

132 grams to communicate with Mars

Dust storms, ionising cosmic radiation, extreme cold at night ... Mars is not very hospitable! It's for these extreme conditions that the research team of Christophe Craeye, a professor at the UCLouvain Louvain School of ...

A New View of Coronal Waves

(PhysOrg.com) -- The corona is the hot outer region of the sun's atmosphere. The corona is threaded by magnetic fields that loop and twist upwards from the sun's surface, driven by motions of its dense atmosphere.

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