How green are green roofs?

Covered with a growing medium and plants, green roofs can benefit a building's insulation, control storm-water drainage and remove pollution from the air, as well as provide wildlife habitats.

TRMM satellite sees moderate rainfall Tropical Storm Sonca

When the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite flew over Tropical Storm Sonca on Friday, Sept. 16 it found moderate rainfall mostly on the southern side of the storm. Chichi Jima can expect some of that rainfall ...

Models show Coho salmon at risk in US urbanizing watersheds

For a decade researchers in Seattle have worked to solve the mystery of why adult coho salmon are dying prematurely in urban streams when they return from the ocean to mate and spawn. In a study published in Integrated Environmental ...

NASA satellite sees Tropical Depression 06W near the Philippines

The sixth western Pacific tropical cyclone (06W) of 2011 has developed near the Philippines and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite saw some heavy rainfall in the storm. Tropical Depression 06W was dropping ...

NASA sees heavy rainfall in Tropical Storm Sarika

Tropical Depression 05W has grown into a tropical storm and given the name Sarika as it heads toward China. Satellite imagery from NASA shows that the center of the storm seems to be separated from the strongest thunderstorms.

Dry ice lake suggests Mars once had a 'Dust Bowl' (Update)

( -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has discovered the total amount of atmosphere on Mars changes dramatically as the tilt of the planet's axis varies. This process can affect the stability of liquid water, ...

UMD Solar Decathlon team unveils 'WaterShed'

The University of Maryland Solar Decathlon Team has unveiled its entry in the U.S. Department of Energy competition - a high-tech structure they call WaterShed, because it integrates a unique array of sustainable features ...

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