Model describes Web page popularity

( -- How do some Web pages become popular? In a recent study, researchers have analyzed Wikipedia articles and a collection of all the Web pages of Chile to better understand the dynamics of online popularity. ...

Mimicry among stocks can predict stock market crashes

( -- Since early October 2008, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average began its drop that reached a low point the following March, many questions have been raised - particularly about what caused the crash and ...

Light-bulb moment for stock market behaviour

University of Adelaide physicists have discovered that the timing of electronic orders on the stock market can be mathematically described in the same way as the lifetime of a light bulb.

Billionaires' riches reach record highs during pandemic

The wealth of the world's billionaires reached record heights this year despite the global coronavirus crisis, led by tech, health and industry "innovators and disruptors" like Elon Musk, said a report published Wednesday.

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