Simulation shows how star collisions fuel massive black holes

It's difficult to predict with certainty what will happen when giant stars collide, but new, first-of-their-kind hydrodynamic simulations by the DEMOBLACK team at the University of Padova in Italy point to a range of exotic ...

Do supermassive black holes merge to form binary systems?

At the center of most galaxies are black holes so massive—up to several billion times the mass of our sun—that they have earned the descriptor "supermassive." Compare this to your run-of-the-mill stellar-mass black hole, ...

Roman Space Telescope will also find rogue black holes

In the past, we've reported about how the Roman Space Telescope is potentially going to be able to detect hundreds of thousands of exoplanets using a technique known as microlensing. Exoplanets won't be the only things it ...

Cosmic X-rays reveal a distinct signature of black holes

An international team of astrophysicists has found distinctive signatures of black hole event horizons, unmistakably separating them from neutron stars, which are objects comparable to black holes in mass and size but confined ...

What happens when black holes collide?

The sign of a truly great scientific theory is by the outcomes it predicts when you run experiments or perform observations. And one of the greatest theories ever proposed was the concept of Relativity, described by Albert ...

Where is the closest black hole?

You know that saying, "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer?" That advice needs to go right out the window when we're talking black holes. They're the worst enemies you could have and you want them as far ...

Astronomer detects a new source of intense gamma radiation

Analyzing the data collected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, Maxim Pshirkov of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute discovered a new source confirming that binary systems with strong colliding stellar winds comprise ...

Image: Star factory NGC 7538

( —The billowing clouds portrayed in this image from ESA's Herschel observatory are part of NGC 7538, a stellar nursery for massive stars. Located around 9000 light-years away, this is one of the few regions of ...

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