A new map for a birthplace of stars

A Yale-led research group has created the most detailed maps yet of a vast seedbed of stars similar to Earth's Sun.

A holodeck for flies, fish and mice

How do people orient themselves when they are in a new area? How do we use street signs or houses, for instance, to estimate the distance we have traveled? Put simply: how do we update our mental map? Neuroscientists have ...

Aboriginal language groups' use of star maps studied

Professor Ray Norris of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and colleagues from Macquarie University have researched the use of stars and constellations by certain groups. According to ...

Star formation project maps nearby interstellar clouds

Astronomers have captured new, detailed maps of three nearby interstellar gas clouds containing regions of ongoing high-mass star formation. The results of this survey, called the Star Formation Project, will help improve ...

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