Related topics: massive stars · stars

Researchers detect dozens of new variable stars

By observing the field of globular cluster Palomar 2 with the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), astronomers have discovered 32 new variable stars. The newfound variables are mostly RR Lyrae stars and cluster members. ...

New discovery may offer clues to 'missing' pulsars

Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are evolved neutron stars with short spin periods that have gone through a long period of mass transfer in a low-mass X-ray binary phase. Globular clusters (GCs)—conglomerations of tens of thousands ...

Hubble gazes at a star-studded skyfield

This star-studded image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the heart of the globular cluster NGC 6638 in the constellation Sagittarius. The star-strewn observation highlights the density of stars at the heart ...

Webb Telescope: What will scientists learn?

The James Webb Space Telescope's first images aren't just breathtaking—they contain a wealth of scientific insights and clues that researchers are eager to pursue.

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