Related topics: hydrogen

Etching the road to a hydrogen economy using plasma jets

Hydrogen is a clean energy source that can be produced by splitting water molecules with light. However, it is currently impossible to achieve this on a large scale. In a recent breakthrough, scientists at Tokyo University ...

New catalyst material produces abundant cheap hydrogen

QUT chemistry researchers have discovered cheaper and more efficient materials for producing hydrogen for the storage of renewable energy that could replace current water-splitting catalysts.

New, highly stable catalyst may help turn water into fuel

Breaking the bonds between oxygen and hydrogen in water could be a key to the creation of hydrogen in a sustainable manner, but finding an economically viable technique for this has proved difficult. Researchers report a ...

Researchers report novel hybrid catalyst to split water

Researchers from the University of Houston and the California Institute of Technology have reported an inexpensive hybrid catalyst capable of splitting water to produce hydrogen, suitable for large-scale commercialization.

Material to help transition to clean hydrogen fuel

The ability of plants to harvest sunlight and split water into hydrogen and oxygen through photosynthesis has long fascinated scientists, who have sought to replicate the process to capture hydrogen as a renewable and sustainable ...

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